Thursday 9 January 2014

Animal Habitats

Dear Parents,

We have two weeks left in our Sharing the Planet Unit of Inquiry about animalsFor our summative assessment, the children need to choose an animal and create a suitable home for it. We have been learning about animal habitats in school (Polar, Jungle, Desert, Ocean etc.) and I have outlined some useful links below which will help your child. Feel free to Google the term 'animal habitat diorama' to get some further ideas. 

The completed project is known as a 'diorama' and can be made using a shoe box, paint, clay, paper, lollipop sticks or anything else you can find at home. Pupils should consider the other animals and plants who share their chosen habitat and also think about what their animal will eat/drink as well as where they will sleep. 

The students will be creating this at home over the next 10 days and should bring their work into school by Tuesday 21st January when will then be sharing their work in class. If you have any questions about the task, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,
Mr. Meehan

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