Thursday 31 October 2013

Halloween Celebrations

Hello everyone,

Yesterday, we had great fun celebrating Halloween. As you probably know, there was a parade in the morning and lots of parents came to see the children in their wonderful (and very spooky) costumes.

After that, we played some Halloween games and went 'Trick-or-Treating' in the other classes. The boys and girls were very lucky and each of them took home lots of candy.

Thank you all for the tremendous effort you all made, it was greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoy the photos below of the pupils trying to turn Anson and Jack into Mummies!

Kind regards,
Mr. Meehan

Agnes, Andrew, Charlie, Hannah and Keo
try to wrap tissue paper around Anson to make him look like a Mummy.

Andrew & Hannah with Anson.

Chau Yi and Lyanne with Jack.

Group 1 - Jack (The Mummy), Huang Yu, Prince, Lyanne,
Hero, Kenta and Alvin.

Group 2 - Anson (The Mummy), Andrew, Charlie, Hannah,
Ginny, Agnes and Keo.
Hannah and Andrew wrapping up Anson.
Lyanne and Kenta getting involved in the game.

The two mummies!


Sunday 27 October 2013

This is the Bear

Hi folks,

Over the past number of weeks, Year 1 have been reading books by the author Sarah Hayes including 'This is the Bear'. Here is a video link to her first book -

Some of the pupils also decided to take in their bears to show to the rest of the class, so here are a few photos we took.

Mr Meehan






Our class teddy bears

Friday 25 October 2013

How the World Works - Weather

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This half term our unit of inquiry is 'How the World Works'. We will be learning all about weather, the water cycle and major weather events, such as typhoons, and the effects they have on societies. There will be many different opportunities for pupils to actively learn in this unit and I will be updating the blog regularly to share the students work with you.

If you have been involved in any major weather events, either in Hong Kong or elsewhere, and would like to share your experiences, please don't hesitate to contact me and arrange a suitable time to come into class and discuss it with the students.

In the meantime, here is a short presentation about the different types of weather which we discussed in class today.

Mr Meehan

Friday 4 October 2013

Unit of Inquiry Homework - Who We Are

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Today, your child has brought home some work to complete with you about 'Who We Are'. This is a 4 page booklet which the pupils have until next Thursday to complete. I hope you can follow the instructions on each page, but if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Please note that pages 2 and 3 require the pupils to draw a picture of their Mum and Dad helping the community. This does not necessarily have be a picture of them at work. Perhaps it may be a picture of them cooking for the family, cleaning the apartment or visiting a friend. The key to this work is that the children gain an understanding of how people within a community help other members of that community.

Hope you enjoy doing this with your child. Take care and have a nice weekend!

Mr Meehan

More pictures from our trip to Mong Kok fire station

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Yesterday, we went on a wonderful trip to Mong Kok fire station. The boys and girls learnt lots about the roles and responsibilities of people who work in the fire service and how they help our community. Once again, thank you to those parents who came along on the visit. Below are some photographs taken during the day.

Kind regards,
Mr Meehan
Chau Yi and Leanne getting off the bus. 

The children listening to the fireman.

The motorcycle driver showing the bike to the children

The fireman's motorcycle.

The pupils looking at the equipment on board the 
small fire engine.

A fireman putting on his oxygen tank and gas mask.

A fireman showing a piece of equipment to connect hoses together.

A fireman putting on his 'fireproof' suit.

All of the Year 1 pupils with parents and staff.